
The availability and accessibility of new media allow users to create whatever they may imagine. Users no longer have to wait for other people to resolve issues. They can remotely come up with solutions themselves. Cost is not a huge barrier.  Materials needed could be accessed instantly or almost instantly. Production and distribution can also be done remotely. One example would be musical mashups. New media allows users to find and create new songs from genres that are the polar opposite of each other. The samples used could be from songs others may not normally think to pair together. However, the ability to alter pieces to fit or to isolate uncommon similarities in the songs help create new material that is enjoyable to everyone. This could encourage people to create their own niches. If they are a fan of opposite genres then there may not be anyone song out there that combines their interests. Now they could take their favorite songs and make their own genre. An example would be “Frontin’ on Debra” a combination of Jay Z’s “Frontin’” and Beck’s “Debra” by Jeremy Brown. The songs are opposite styles but both use a shower-stall falsetto that Brown used to create his mashup.  Listeners can feel the thrill of “identifying two well-known artists unwittingly complementing each other’s strengths and limitations” (Brown, 2017).

Frere-Jones, S. (2017, June 19). 1 1 1 = 1 . Retrieved from


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